Plastelina Modeling Clay

Pliable, gray-green in color. Used to fill cups in sprue bases. 1 lb. block.


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Investment Scale

Accurate, yet economical, scale weighs in 2 oz. increments. Easy to read red and black numerals on 4″ dial indicate weight, as well as water/investment ratios. Includes scoop. 10 pound capacity.


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Investment Scoop

Plastic scoop for handling dry investment. Sold with investment scale, item #21.773.


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Plastic Measuring Cylinder

For measuring the correct amount of water to mix with investment and determining the amount of metal to be cast by the displacement method. 250ml.


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Rubber Sleeve for Perforated Flask

No more messy masking tape! These latex rubber sleeves are placed over the flask to contain the investment while pouring and also form a collar so that no spilling occurs.


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Perforated Flask 3-3/8″ x 4″

Stainless steel heavy-duty flasks, with machined perforations, help assure a perfect cast since metal is being forced into cavities evenly from all directions. 3-3/8″ x 4″.


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Casting Flasks – Various Sizes

Made of durable stainless steel. Use with Button Sprue base or Tree Sprue base for leak-proof seal.


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