Watch Tools
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18-24 sticks per bundle, depending on diameter.
Stick Length: 5-3/4″
Diameter: 4.0mm
18-24 sticks per bundle, depending on diameter.
Stick Length: 5-3/4″
Diameter: 2.0mm
Combination inch and millimeter gauge. Capacity 2-1/4″ (60 mm). Graduations by 1/4 and 1.0 mm
VibroGraph B200 is 36mm, blue tinted and is pressure sensitive paper.
Our six piece screwdriver set includes four straight blade screwdrivers -1.0 1.20 1.80 2.40mm- along with #0 and #1 Phillips screwdrivers. All have hexagonal swivel heads.
The blades are tempered for long life and set firmly in plated handles with swivel heads. Sizes of screwdrivers included in the set are: 1.00 1.40 2.00 2.40 3.00 and 3.50mm.
Just squeeze and you’ll get the right amount of lightweight oil with rust inhibitors. Plastic spout extension available which enables you to get to those hard-to-reach places.
Perfect for demagnetizing tweezers, screwdrivers and other small tools and parts. Will also magnetize tools such as screwdrivers if you desire.
Comfortable cotton and elastic finger cots help protect your fingers as well as protect your skin, while adding support and security when handling work pieces. Pk/20.
The newest in innovative watch analyzers now offered by EURO TOOL allows users to tell whether the step motor is working or if the battery is dead without opening the watch.
Compact but very accurate this unit tests watch calculator and camera batteries as well as lithium and mercury cells. Priced right and the quality is assured.
Horotec Deluxe Press for Case Backs, Crystals and Bezels Using Screw-on Dies. A very stable press with a head and aluminum case mounted on 2 robust steel columns
Horotec movement holder with central screw for caliber 1530-1570
Horotec movement holder with central screw for caliber 2035-2135
Horotec movement holder with central screw for caliber 3035
Professional Screwdriver Sharpener. Mainly used by watchmakers who repair high end watches, especially on blued and gold screws.
First quality rotating stand with 9 screwdrivers from Bergeon. Very stable stand with adherent rubber plate.
Excellent tweezers for handling all minature and micro-miniature parts and components. The shape permits the user to rest his hand on the bench during assembly operations.
Sharp hooked points for wire wrapping, forming, bending and coiling. The angled points can also be useful for hard-to-get-at spots.
Similar to pattern No. 2, except points are .055 inches (1.4 mm) wide and rounded at the tips.
Tips are slightly thicker and sturdier than those on pattern No.1. Overall length 4-3/4 inches (121 mm).
A general utility tweezers, for assembly, inspection, sorting, etc. Shanks are thick and have flat edges that enable the user to grip and hold with the edge as well as the tip.
A general utility tweezer for assembly, inspection, sorting, etc. Shanks are thick and have flat edges that enable the user to grip and hold the object with the edge as well as the tip.
Similar to pattern No. 4, except have very narrow needle-like points.
Shorter version of pattern No. 3. Overall length 4-1/2 inches (114 mm).
Excellent tweezers for handling all miniature and micro-miniature parts. Shanks are tapered with beveled edges; points have been honed and are very sharp.
General use tweezers with sturdier points slightly wider and thicker tips than pattern No. 1. Indented and have flat edges for gripping object with tip or side. The plain finished points have a fine tip.
For general use, assembly, inspection, sorting tweezers feature tapered shanks with beveled edges, and sharp, plain-finished points.
Excellent tweezers for handling all miniature and micro-miniature parts and components. The shape permits the user to rest his hand on the bench during assembly operations.
Zenith Rinse Solution 224 has more solvency and penetrating power than ordinary rinses. As an added plus it is rated odorless. It is compatible with all Zenith’s solvent based cleaners.
Bergeon slide locking pin vise. Steel jaws with 0 to 1.5mm opening.
Oscillating Weight Bolt Remover with Two Snap-on Keys. One for ETA 2000-1, 7750, 7751 & 7753 and one for ETA 2892, 2893, 2894 & 2895