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This box holds small and large packages and has removable dividers which keep boxes upright to easily identify the size and shape.
Made of hardwood and polished to a high gloss finish this 4 plier holder makes a great bench aid. Holes are beveled for easy in-out handling. Every bench can use a holder like this.
This simple wooden rack will hold up to 10 pairs of pliers. Inexpensive and convenient keeping pliers and cutters handy and off the bench. 7-1/2 x 3-3/4 x 4-3/4.
This rack features a 7-1/2″ bar area for easy accessibility to your favorite pliers. Two “tray extensions”, each with two round depressions, for holding small parts or bits of solder.
The EURO TOOL bracelet holder is made from the perfect medium because wood will not scratch precious metals.
Very dry, low-residue compound imparts a brilliant finish on gold, platinum and other hard metals. 4 oz.
Plastic movement holder for positioning hands and checking the chronograph function.
Zenith’s chemists developed this unique ammoniated cleaner – without the ammonia fumes. It is considered safe and environmentally friendly.
Zenith Rinse Solution 224 has more solvency and penetrating power than ordinary rinses. As an added plus it is rated odorless. It is compatible with all Zenith’s solvent based cleaners.