Watch Case Tools
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Enables the range of Bergeon 5537 Rolex dies and Breitling dies to be used with Horotec MSA07.320, Horotec MSA07.363 & Bergeon 5700-Z waterproof case openers.
Bergeon Case Opening Wrench to Fit Rolex Watches, Includes handle and six dies, Dies sized from 18.5 – 29.5mm
Bergeon Double Lever Case Opener. Has two edges for opening snap back cases, one on the end and one on the side. The edges are smaller than on other tools for more delicate cases.
Case opener specially made for Baume & Mercier. Contents 3 dies for 3 different diameter (25 – 30 – 33mm) Swiss made by Horotec
Pointed Tip Only, 0.8mm, Swiss for Metal Spring Bar Tools
Horizontal-type vise with center support allows for positioning blades on two sides at once. The blades are forced in with a few turns of the knob. Two pairs of blades included, 2mm and 4mm. Swiss.
For closing/opening watches with screw on backs.
Provides maximum torque with little effort. 4 pairs of interchangeable pins (round, rectangle, knurled, curved). Large ergonomic top wheel for screwing and unscrewing with little effort.
Seven pusher punch bits: 2.95 mm, 2.65 mm, 2.45 mm, 2.15 mm, 1.95 mm, 1.75 mm, and 1.55 mm. Will remove friction fit buttons & fit friction fit buttons back into the piece. Swiss made.