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Extra Soft Bristle Wheel Brush, 1-1/4″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole

30% additional fill gives more body for the right feel and longer brush life. A metal hub with a thinner profile is assembled on specially designed production equipment. The result is a perfect brush. Bristles won’t split and washers won’t spin. For use on polishing motors with mandrels 47.258 or 47.259.

1-1/4″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole

30% additional fill gives more body for the right feel and longer brush life. A metal hub with a thinner profile is assembled on specially designed production equipment. The result is a perfect brush. Bristles won’t split and washers won’t spin. For use on polishing motors with mandrels 47.258 or 47.259.

1″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle End Brush, 3/8″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

3/8″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle End Brush, 3/8″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

3/8″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle End Brush, 1/2″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

1/2″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle End Brush, 1/2″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

1/2″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle End Brush, 5/8″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

5/8″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle Cup Brush, 1/2″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

1/2″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle Cup Brush, 1/2″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

1/2″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle Cup Brush, 9/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places.

9/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Straight Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Straight wire is .0035″ thick and produces a pronounced finish and is used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter Double Section, 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality.

Double section for heavy duty use. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 1/8″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a pronounced finish and is used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Straight Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Straight wire is .0035″ thick and produces a pronounced finish and is used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Straight Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 1/8″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Straight wire is .0035″ thick and produced a pronounces finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter Double Section, 3/32″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality.

Double section for heavy duty use. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 1/8″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Straight Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Straight wire is .0035″ thick and produces a pronounced finish and is used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Straight Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Straight wire is .0035″ thick and produced a pronounces finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire End Brush, 1″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 3/32″ Arbor Hole

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Straight Brass Wire End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Straight wire is .0035″ thick and produces a pronounced finish and is used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Brass Wire End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use brass on yellow metals such as copper and brass. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .003″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Crimped Steel Wire End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 3/16″ Diameter 1/8″ Shank

Use steel on white metals such as: white gold, silver, and platinum. Crimped wire is .005″ thick and produces a soft matte like finish. Used for cleaning, deburring, and surface finishing. Precision made, excellent quality. Sold by the dozen.


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Medium Stiffness Bristle Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places. Medium Bristle, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank

Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places. Soft Bristle, 3/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Sold by the dozen.


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Medium Stiffness Bristle Wheel Brush, 3/4″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole

Medium Bristle, 3/4″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole. For use on polishing motors with mandrels 47.258 or 47.259. Sold by the dozen.


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Soft Bristle Wheel Brush, 1″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole

Soft Bristle, 1″ Diameter 1/8″ Arbor Hole. For use on polishing motors with mandrels 47.258 or 47.259. Sold by the dozen.


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Stiff Bristle End Brush, 1/4″ Trim, 1/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank, 1 dozen

Stiff Bristle, 1/4″ Trim, 1/4″ Diameter 3/32″ Shank. Excellent quality precision brush. Clean and polish in hard-to-reach places. Sold by the dozen.


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Mounted Miniature Felt Round Buff

1% wool, ideal for precision deburring, polishing and finishing. Can be charged with compounds. Specifically designed for use with flex-shafts and similar tools.

Shape: Round

3/32″ Shank

3/32″ Shank

Sold individually.


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Mounted Miniature Felt Pointed Buff

1% wool, ideal for precision deburring, polishing and finishing. Can be charged with compounds. Specifically designed for use with flex-shafts and similar tools.

Shape: Pointed

3/32″ Shank

3/32″ Shank

Sold individually.


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Chamois Buff, 2-1/2″ x 12 Ply

Use with rouge to produce the highest finish on gold. Stitched with leather patch. on center for firm grip on tapered spindle.

Diameter: 2-1/2″

Ply: 12


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Chamois Buff, 3″ x 12 Ply

Use with rouge to produce the highest finish on gold. Stitched with leather patch. on center for firm grip on tapered spindle.

Diameter: 3″

Ply: 12


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Chamois Buff, 4″ x 18 Ply

Use with rouge to produce the highest finish on gold. Stitched with leather patch. on center for firm grip on tapered spindle.

Diameter: 4″

Ply: 18


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Chamois Buff, 5″ x 18 Ply

Use with rouge to produce the highest finish on gold. Stitched with leather patch. on center for firm grip on tapered spindle.

Diameter: 5″

Ply: 18


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Chamois Buff, 6″ x 18 Ply

Use with rouge to produce the highest finish on gold. Stitched with leather patch. on center for firm grip on tapered spindle.

Diameter: 6″

Ply: 18


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Felt Mounted Bobs, MP-1, Hard

100% wool, ideal for precision deburring, polishing and finishing. Can be charged with compounds. Specifically designed for use with flex-shafts and similar tools.

Cylinder Shape

Diameter: 1/4″

Face: 1/4″

Mandrel: 1/8″


Sold individually.


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Miniature Pointed Felt Cones 1/4″ x 1/2″

Ideal for polishing concave surfaces on small objects. Made of solid felt with hard density. Use with tapered mandrel.

Diameter: 1/4″

Length: 1/2″

Sold by the Box of 25.


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