Deluxe version measures in European sizes circumference in millimeters American sizes and diameter in millimeters. It is also grooved for stone-set rings. Sizes 2 to 15.
Our 4-3/4 lug gauge gives you the exact measurement you need to determine the distance between watch lugs for spring bars bands or bracelets.
Our stainless steel 6-3/4 miniature digital gauge is state-of-the-art. Beautifully finished it is practical and compact. It measures in millimeters and inches -maximum 100mm 4-. Accuracy is assured at 0.01mm.
Our 80mm -3- Brass Gauge Deluxe eliminates the problem of holding while measuring.
Measuring range 0-150mm digital caliper. Stainless Steel. Convenient plastic box case. Millimeter or inch readings. Easy on/off button.
The portable GemOro SUREgauge XL has a measuring range of 0-25mm/0-1″ with a precision accuracy of 0.01mm/0.0005″.
Our gauges are nickel-plated for years of use at the retail level. Graduated in U.S. Standard half-sizes. Half-Round size 1 to 15
This value engineered 9-3/8 caliper measures inside outside and depth. The gauge is accurate to 0.02mm with a measuring range of 0mm to 150mm.