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“C” & “E” Clips for Pushers Assortment, 120pcs
“C” & “E” Clips for Pushers Assortment, 120pcs. Sizes included 1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm. Swiss Made
“V” Shape Case Opener
Remover for screw type case backs. This model is popular with many watchmakers offering a large surface for grasping and adjustable claws.
#10 Replacement Blades/ Pack of 5
#10 Replacement blades for Soft Grip Knife. Packs of 5 blades.
0.90mm Cotter Pin Assortment #1028 -84 pieces
Acon cotter pin assortment #1028. 28 sizes, 3 pieces each size. Sizes range from 6.5-20.0mm. Refills available separately.
1 1/2″ Table Vise
This vise with 1-1/2 jaws offers a choice of clamping or screwing onto the bench. An excellent value and a necessity for every bench.
1-7/16″ Mini Clock Fit-Up Movement — White Dial Arabic
- 1-7/16″ Gold Bezel
- White Dial
- Arabic Numerals